3:d day - strategic victory!
The day started off with sunshine and no wind. The shiny passages were smooth like a mirror and it seemed completely impossible. We arrived at Valliniva and it was my turn to fish. Sure enough it looked impossible but I changed to a leader with double the length and for Alta a tiny fly, Phatakorva with a maximum hair length of 2,5 cm and started fishing. To get things going I fished the fly in a figure eight. The fly was moving like a rocket right under the surface and all of a sudden the water rose in a big wave behind the fly and after about 5—6 very long seconds there was the weight and the fish was hooked. A big fat liced 8,5 kilo female was caught and released – great! The rest of the fishing was slow. Difficult conditions and hardly any fish resulted in nothing at all.
Sunshine, 25 degrees C and slowly decreasing water level. Water temperature 15 degrees C.
Sunshine, 25 degrees C and slowly decreasing water level. Water temperature 15 degrees C.