Big fish Friday!
Thursday was very slow. I saw one, a big one in Julians but couldn’t make him take. On Friday the fish arrived to Kharlovka! It started with Chucky landing a good sea liced 12 lbs in Buckhannon’s run and I lost one in Sea Pool. In Long Stream I hooked a good fish and after a long and tough fight I could land a 102 cm 28lbs sea liced female. A great fish. One of this we come here for. It took a 8cm Pahtakorva and the same fly was after just a short while taken of another crazy fish. After 6 high jumps and saltomortales it came of right by the net – shit! Not 28 but a bit smaller around 20-22 lbs. Chucky got another one in Julians and was happy. He is staying to do two more weeks in salmon heaven – lucky bastard! I got a nice 10-12 lbs in Home Pool which opened the pool for the season. Fish was showing and the last hours fishiong I lost another one and saw two splashing in the tail…! The boys fishing this coming week will have a great week with perfect levels and big fish running both rivers! We summed up this early week with 16 fish, half over 20 lbs.