Day 2, the lower river!
The lower part of Stora Laxa is normally more productive, especially later in the season when daily catches of dozens of salmon is quite common. The upper river is the fairy tale river and the lower a bit more normal. We fished a few of the pools spending some time to take photos for the big book project. Johan Annerfelt is a superstar, some of the shoots he’s taken is probably some of the best I have ever seen, just amazing. We fished most of the beat’s nice pools and I lost a few that took careful but also got three nice fish with a female of 82 cm to be biggest. I fished my floater and also tried a little tip. As usual Dee Sheep variations worked well but also a slim Green Simple Fly tied on the new pearl tubing – actually a great looking fly. I truly like Stora Laxa it’s one of those rivers that will haunt you in your winter dreams. The fast hitch over the slick surface, the hard takes and the gin clear water. Looking into hours spent we did really well and more important we did get the footage we needed. Now we are heading north! Follow and you will see some other famous Icelandic rivers!