Elected board member of GUS (Gustaf Ulfsparre Foundation)
On Sunday September 31 the board met for Gustaf Ulfsparres Foundation (GUS) for board meeting. This is mainly based on the GUS big enthusiast Goran Ulfsparre, who fought a whole life for the preservation of sea trout in the river, wanted now come back to the regular board of directors. Vice Chairman Mrs Liedberg Jönsson, who normally with Oskarshamn Municipality, was elected new Chairman of GUS.The Foundation strengthen the Board with new, competent forces and to date, it consists of the following:
Bodil Liedberg Jönsson(Chairmen)
Göran Ulfsparre
Pelle Klippinge (Kassör)
Lars-peter Gustafsson
Andreas Elfström (Vice Chairmen)
Lars Kreutner
Anders Eklöv
Mikael Frödin
Stefan Kläppe
Curt-Robert Lindkvist
Heinz-Werner Heller
Gustaf Ulfsparres Foundation (GUS) has since 1988 worked with nonprofit fish conservation in the river. The Foundation’s main task is to promote the conservation of sea trout in the river. Over the years, the foundation has improved for the running fish and done new spawning grounds, done spawning surveys and fisheries management plans, bought out nets and much more.
Bodil Liedberg Jönsson(Chairmen)
Göran Ulfsparre
Pelle Klippinge (Kassör)
Lars-peter Gustafsson
Andreas Elfström (Vice Chairmen)
Lars Kreutner
Anders Eklöv
Mikael Frödin
Stefan Kläppe
Curt-Robert Lindkvist
Heinz-Werner Heller
Gustaf Ulfsparres Foundation (GUS) has since 1988 worked with nonprofit fish conservation in the river. The Foundation’s main task is to promote the conservation of sea trout in the river. Over the years, the foundation has improved for the running fish and done new spawning grounds, done spawning surveys and fisheries management plans, bought out nets and much more.