Kharlovka - Friday
Last day - I dragged myself out of bed at six o’clock, made a sweep in Home-pool that gave 2 fish - one fat 7 kilo that I managed to film myself. Well don’t laugh your heads off when I stumble on my nose while landing the fish! I got one of them on a small Dee Sheep and the other on a gigantic Samurai in green shades.
Today we fished upper Litza. The fall is magic but a lot better when there is more water. Today there was good activity and David and I managed to land 3 small fish as well as a couple of really big bellied sea trout. It’s lemming year and I could bet that two of them was full lemming.
Flatstone resulted in one lost fish and so did Secret. The fish in Secret pool made me work very hard. Once I started fishing with a small Dee Sheep something finally started to happen! Secret is great to fish with the fast water and the deep cavities below the pool. This is a place where I could have stayed on for days! To conclude the day we had 5 fish…..a fairly good day.
Today we fished upper Litza. The fall is magic but a lot better when there is more water. Today there was good activity and David and I managed to land 3 small fish as well as a couple of really big bellied sea trout. It’s lemming year and I could bet that two of them was full lemming.
Flatstone resulted in one lost fish and so did Secret. The fish in Secret pool made me work very hard. Once I started fishing with a small Dee Sheep something finally started to happen! Secret is great to fish with the fast water and the deep cavities below the pool. This is a place where I could have stayed on for days! To conclude the day we had 5 fish…..a fairly good day.