Kharlovka - Good start!
Finally we arrived at the camp. Hungry for fish and curious if the last week´s fantastic fishing would last. 208 salmon and the biggest on 36 lbs was the great result. When everyone were ready it was time for lunch and a small introduction to the "Master Class" week. Small talks to breakfast and dinner and coaching on the river, together with ordinary fishing. Saturday afternoon we had a few fish. I fixed with the projector and prepared for the "Perfect Drift" talk and after that - Home Pool! I fished down the pool once, two pulls and one lost medium size fish was the result. + 20 cm on the meter and 13 degrees in the water - OK!
The first complete fishing day I went with my national mates Meta and her husband Wolfgang. Falls and Guys Pool - amazing! Falls was loaded with fish! Meta had several pulls on her Dee Sheep och finally she had a sealiced 5 kilos - happiness! Two more pulls and then time for lunch. Pretty good morning in the sunshine. Before lunch I walked down the neck, a grilse and a 6 kilos on a thin Dee Sheep. How easy it can be sometimes... After lunch I went with Wolfgang, a fishing globetrotter who had everything everywhere. One lost at the neck of Guys Pool was all. The last hours of the day I fished upper and lower Canyon. A grilse in the middle and far down on the neck a hard pull and a big "boil" ooh... Another throw and another "boil"... I rested the fish and swapped the Simple Fly for a small Pahtakorva. A cracking take and the fish went mad down the river. I ran like crazy to discover that the fish wash´t bigger than 6 kilos, but great anyway. Strong fighting fish! Now it´s time for World Cup final! The Germans in the camp are crazy and the rest are hoping for Argentina...
Finally we arrived at the camp. Hungry for fish and curious if the last week´s fantastic fishing would last. 208 salmon and the biggest on 36 lbs was the great result. When everyone were ready it was time for lunch and a small introduction to the "Master Class" week. Small talks to breakfast and dinner and coaching on the river, together with ordinary fishing. Saturday afternoon we had a few fish. I fixed with the projector and prepared for the "Perfect Drift" talk and after that - Home Pool! I fished down the pool once, two pulls and one lost medium size fish was the result. + 20 cm on the meter and 13 degrees in the water - OK!
The first complete fishing day I went with my national mates Meta and her husband Wolfgang. Falls and Guys Pool - amazing! Falls was loaded with fish! Meta had several pulls on her Dee Sheep och finally she had a sealiced 5 kilos - happiness! Two more pulls and then time for lunch. Pretty good morning in the sunshine. Before lunch I walked down the neck, a grilse and a 6 kilos on a thin Dee Sheep. How easy it can be sometimes... After lunch I went with Wolfgang, a fishing globetrotter who had everything everywhere. One lost at the neck of Guys Pool was all. The last hours of the day I fished upper and lower Canyon. A grilse in the middle and far down on the neck a hard pull and a big "boil" ooh... Another throw and another "boil"... I rested the fish and swapped the Simple Fly for a small Pahtakorva. A cracking take and the fish went mad down the river. I ran like crazy to discover that the fish wash´t bigger than 6 kilos, but great anyway. Strong fighting fish! Now it´s time for World Cup final! The Germans in the camp are crazy and the rest are hoping for Argentina...