Last day at Vosso & Bolstad beat.
Today it was time for the last day Bolstad fishing. Nice fishing weather with grey cold haze and10 degrees was better than the previous sunshine. I started in Bolstadhölen. Here were many of the giant salmon in the old days caught. Interesting to know is that of the really big salmon that was hooked in the relatively short river - ALL was landed in the sea. From here, just a few kilometers but from other places a dramatic journey. Today I also met Karl Magnar Bolstad again. One of the old generation "kleppare" or as he put it - I’m probably one of the last who actually have seen a salmon of 30 kilos! A nice men that cares for his river. In the middle of Bolstadhölen I had a long good pull, but nothing more - shit! I fished 750 Grains Deepwater express + 8 foot super extra fast polly and a 20cm Samurai - heavy stuff! Further down in the the pool a good hard take follwed by a long run a really good fight gave me a nice sea liced salmon of 10,5 kg. The afternoon session was in "Straumen" the lowest pool. A smaller fish and a nice 10 kilo fish was the result, again on heavy stuff and a green Samurai of more moderate size. Vattenhöjning had done that much of the fish left the fjord for the river – one more firm pull ended the night.