Throwback Thursday winner!
I was guest on the Mikkeli beat on the Alta. Mikkeli is the most sought after and hardest to get on. In the lottery Mikkeli is the prime target for most anglers. I had a good fish on Mikkeli and it was my buddy Håkans turn to fish. His rod was not in the boat and I said you can borrow mine if I can pick the fly. I picked an almost 20 centimeter, newly tied black and blue beauty. We were on the lower part of the pool when the big fly was taken hard by a big fish. Håkan reels with his left hand and I with my right. The big fish put on a good fight and Håkan managed to land the fish, even though the handle beat him up quite badly. It was a great male on 14 kilos!
I was after that trip I named the fly Mikkeli Blue, it’s many anglers favorite fly, including the Norwegian king Harald!
The best answer came from Michael Rousau, and of course the prize this week is three classic Mikkeli Blue flies from the web shop! Send us a message Michael so we know were to ship the flies. Well done!
If you want to read the original article from the 90’s and maybe buy your own Mikkeli Blue flies, use this link or go to "Special Offers": [Klicka h�r]
I was after that trip I named the fly Mikkeli Blue, it’s many anglers favorite fly, including the Norwegian king Harald!
The best answer came from Michael Rousau, and of course the prize this week is three classic Mikkeli Blue flies from the web shop! Send us a message Michael so we know were to ship the flies. Well done!
If you want to read the original article from the 90’s and maybe buy your own Mikkeli Blue flies, use this link or go to "Special Offers": [Klicka h�r]