Another fantastic day! I had the chance to see Litza Tent Camp once again, Oleg and Luba have managed the Camp for a very long time… We started fishing Upper Tent och had a couple fish. I managed to speed up my Danish friends´ flies. Both Allan and his son Rasmus had beautiful salmon when the down stream mend was replaced with a nice down stream bow and a faster fly! I even caught Rasmus on film, hooking a fish and landing it, when a faster fly was fished - cool (the video will be here soon)! After lunch I fished behind the danes. I had two nice grilse on a little micro Dee Sheep in Upper Tent and a nice 5 kilos in Tent Pool. All on my Reaction 10” class 8. Fishing salmon with a single hand rod is really amazing! Then I fished through my favorite pool Lower Tent twice - no action at all. Hmm it may be a big mad fish standing - keeping the others away…
On the evening it was traditional fish soup next to Home Pool - nice summer weather made the night memorable. Home Pool delivered a few nice fish later on. We´ve nog passed 200 fish this week - unbelievably good!
On the evening it was traditional fish soup next to Home Pool - nice summer weather made the night memorable. Home Pool delivered a few nice fish later on. We´ve nog passed 200 fish this week - unbelievably good!