Thursday - like heaven!
Today it was time for the pooles closest to the sea. We started with "Dancing Platform”which gave me a nice salmon, another further down on" Rock Island and one lost riught by my feet. The water has dropped and I just use one handed now. Guideline Reaction 10 "for line 8 with a 11 m 8-9 single handed tripple D float / h / Int is a amazing combination. A little bragging but if you single hand spey the whole shooting line!! 25-30 m dubbelspey single hand with a snappy double haul is easy and sstraight line every time - cool! Just before lunch, a hard take further down in the pool and after a tough battle (I keep my Egor 0.43) I could land a great sealiced 22 lbs fish - a dream on single handed. In the afternoon it was time for "10 Island". Many fine streams where we shared so I fished the left side. Anders had a fish on in one of the necks on a hitch. After few hours I was there. A short pull and a large downstream belly on the next cast gave a brutal take. Another crazy fight. The fish were everywhere and finally burned down over the neck and with 100m line behind him, I tried to follow! -Is it possible to wade across, I shouted to Sasha - dont know, was his answer! With screaming reel I decided to take a chance and dancing on tiptoe, I managed myself with millimeter precision to take me over! In the pool below, I was able to land a gorgeous 16-pound male - Wow what a day!