Second day 4 salmon to me!
Today it was time for one of the true Classics –“ Bolstad pool”. Here it has been lots of giant salmon caught. This pool is the place where the great, the first, giant salmon first stop. Bright sun and relatively low water and no catches here in a few days made me choose to fish deep with a large Silver Samurai. A small grilse took in the inlet-fine. The center of the pool it came – the good take, slowly and amazing! Hooked one and no grilse. After a good fight, I was able to land a nice 15 pounder - my first Bolstad salmon! We even got a little short film that will be here soon! After lunch and three hours rest, it was time for me to fish below the bridge, the tail of Bolstadhölen "Straumen" the fast stream out in the fjord. A grilse in the top and a couple of salmon showing was everything in the sunshine. When the sun disappeared behind the mountain o gigantic salmon showed - at least 40-45pounds in my stream. It was exciting to fish my way down, had a good long pull before it tightened up seriously! After a good hard fight, I could grab a fat 22 pounder at 96 cm, a genuine Vosso salmon! The day gave me two salmon and two grilse - delightful!